Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Finally started to work on autonomous for the racquetball challenge. We are trying very hard and we really want to finish this before school ends so we can get an A in the class, and finish all the challenges. We will feel so accomplished if we finish!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2015

We have finally finished the racquetball challenge, now for autonomous. Today we had a battle session with the robot of Opi's Comet. As you can see our robot got pretty eat up, but we ended up on top for the fight!

Monday, May 18, 2015

This week our goal is to finally finish the racquetball challenge. We hope to be on autonomous by Friday and then hopefully be done with our challenges for the year. But we still have much to do before we do the official racquetball challenge.

Friday, May 15, 2015

We solved all of our problems for the racquetball challenge, no we are still testing and practicing our robot to see if it will do good with the test. But this is our final product and we are so happy that it finally works!

Just figured out our design for the racquetball challenge but we are starting to run into some problems with coding.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Today alone we are going to finish coding our robot to handle 4 motors.  RobotC has been giving us some trouble mainly because all of the sample programs are meant for no more than 3 motors; despite this, we plan on finishing the code today so we can get tested and graded as soon as possible.

This week we are running into a problem with our motor not reaching, which we quickly fixed, and then our motor was not strong enough so we had to make a few changes to Hot Bot. So far the arm is starting to perform well.

Finally got out code working, time to start testing it out with our team driver, Moshe Grosso. Also we helped another team get the autonomous off of their robot.

Friday, May 8, 2015

This week we have made substantial progress on constructing the "hot bot".  We have finished our endofactor and compound gear system.  This way the arm has enough torque to lift u the heavy "hand".

Monday, May 4, 2015

This week we hope to finish building our robot for the racquetball challenge.  We need to completely replace our arm with a new one with a stronger "elbow" joint and a new "hand" that can pick up and drop the racquetball.

Friday, May 1, 2015

This week we have been relocated into a portable.  Since we couldn't make much progress on the "hot bot", we have basically no updates to update.  We can however tell you that we did a current event while in the portables.